Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Went for a chalet on the 30th, 31th and 1 Jan 07 at the downtown east. It was fun but tiring too. The weather is unexpectedly good but we are like staying at our chalet apartment and dun realli go for any outdoor activities lo. On the second day, some of them did went out and play volleyball but i was like..so slack.. then jus ly on the bed ..close my eyes and resting lo. Having BBQ and playing games like the zhong ji mi ma, killer n detective..haha/..it is very funny lo and realli enjoyed myself there. On the 31th, i went out to meet my other friend to the town area to look at the fireworks. It's nice..haha..so fast 1 year had passed le, so mani things happened this year, so mani things had changed. Arghh!.. dun wanna think too much le la, hope that the new year will be better than 2006. Let the memories always be memories ...

. on 6:19 AM